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At Sol Solecito Spanish Immersion Learning Center, we believe in the unique potential of each child. We establish a respectful and caring bond with both students and families, creating a strong foundation for a wonderful early childhood experience. Through active exploration, play, interaction, memorable experiences, and hands-on learning activities, our students experience continuous development and growth. We treat all children who enter our doors with the utmost respect and love, fostering a sense of family.

INFANTS (3 to 15 months old)

Our infant classroom follows a wonderful daily flow that accommodates each baby's individual sleeping and eating schedules. We engage in activities such as story time, outdoor walks, learning circle time, sensory exploration, and creative art. Through songs, stories, and interaction with friends and teachers, infants discover textures, shapes, colors, and various weekly themes. We provide constant nurturing, cuddling, and attention, ensuring their needs are met.


TODDLERS (16 months to 2.9 years old)

Our toddler classroom encourages exploration using all their senses. With a daily schedule including group time, outdoor play, meals, snacks, nap time, and plenty of playtime, toddlers engage in activities centered around transportation, family, kindness, and more. We foster discussions about their day, emotions, and the joy of being together in our bright and warm classroom. Outdoor playtime allows them to connect with nature. Singing and playtime are integral to our room's special atmosphere.


OLDER TODDLERS (2 to 3 years old)

Older toddlers are encouraged to dance, sing, and play while exploring the world around them. Socialization becomes vital as they learn to share, use manners, and take turns. This age group introduces counting, letter recognition, and daily songs that teach about days, months, and years. Art projects and science experiments captivate their attention, and outdoor activities and neighborhood walk foster a sense of community. Our older toddlers develop fine and gross motor skills through playground play and build a sense of wonder through scientific exploration.


PRESCHOOL AND PRE-K (3 years old and up, preparing for kindergarten)

Our preschool and pre-K program focuses on social-emotional growth and self-discovery as beautiful and unique individuals. Students learn collaboration, independence, writing their names, reading, and phonics. The sensory bin enhances weekly learning themes, while guest speakers and community exploration supplement their education. Regular outdoor activities promote physical movement and the development of fine and gross motor skills. This age group prepares students for kindergarten, ensuring a successful transition to the next grade.

Get in Touch

If you want to learn more about our programs, please enter your contact information below. Looking forward to hearing from you soon! 

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